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5 Reasons to try white water rafting...

National White Water Centre

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Need convincing to give it a go? Need help persuading others? Here are our 5 reasons to try white water rafting…

It pushes you out of your comfort zone

Ever heard the saying you should do one thing every day that scares you? By putting yourself in an unfamiliar situation you’ll be pushing back your boundaries.

You get out in nature

We all know being outside is good for us but the vast majority of our time is spent indoors. Get outside in the elements and you’ll start to reap the rewards.

It gets you moving

The human body was designed to move. Leave the office behind and get your blood flowing as you paddle down the river. Remember to hold on tight for the rapids. Trust us – you’ll feel amazing afterwards!

Reduces Stress

Let’s be honest, when facing the rapids for the first time you’re not going to be thinking about that overflowing in tray or the never ending e-mails .

Shared experiences build bonds

This counts for family, friends or colleagues. When you’re put together in a new situation it strengthens those bonds, leading to strong friendships and better teams.

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